- Australian Property Management Solutions
By Scott Mackenzie
There are many different negative health effects of dust mites and bed bugs. There presence is known to cause illnesses such as allergies and asthma. Dust mites are present in bedding, furniture and anywhere else that collects dust. They are highly concentrated in bedding as this is a location where our skin sheds the most. Dust mites consume the dead skin of humans. When they are present in the bedding of young children, they pose the threat of allergic reactions.
Some people are more sensitive to dust mites that others and will have serious reactions. Dust mites also leave droppings that cause certain reactions when breathed in or touched. It is important to properly clean bedding and to minimize the presence of dust as much as possible. Vacuuming, dusting and a thorough cleaning regimen will help to reduce the collection of dust.
Dust consists of dead skin cells and other substances that may cause respiratory problems in individuals if the collect of dust is highly concentrated. There isn’t a way to stop dust from collecting but measures should be taken to reduce the collection of dust. There areas in the home where there is the most dust are typically the areas that are most frequented. If there are individuals in the household with an extra sensitivity to dust, it is very important to clean as much as possible to avoid serious illness.
Households that have infants and young children need to make sure dust is kept at a minimum. Young children may accidentally ingest the dust and get really sick. This can cause a number of respiratory problems. Homes with elderly family members should also be dusted on a regular basis.
Breathing in dust for extended periods are known to cause certain allergic reactions such as itchy, red eyes, sneezing and in come causes shortness of breath. There are many products on the market that help to reduce the collection of dust. And bedding should be cleaned on a regular basis, hot water is the best to kill any existing dust mites.
Bed bugs are also a health risk that are present in many homes. Bed bugs are tiny arachnids that feed off of human blood. While we sleep, they bite us and suck our blood. The bite is not felt but the after effects are noticeable with tiny bug bites that resemble mosquito bites. A bed bug bite can be very serious to individuals that are very sensitive to insect bits. In very serious cases, it may cause anaphylaxis where an individual has great difficulty breathing.
Bed bugs are not seen with the naked eye but they leave their mark with several tiny bites all over the body. The bites itch like mosquito bites and become red and swollen. In extreme cases, there may be bed bug infestations where an exterminator will be needed to rid the pests.
There are several negative health effects of dust mites and bed bugs. It is important to frequently change sheets and to wash them with detergent and hot water. For individuals with extreme sensitivities to dust mites should take extra care cleaning the house. Dusting should be performed regularly and any carpeting should be replaced with hardwood floors.
About the Author: Smartsilk
allergy bedding
helps repel and protect against bed bugs. Smartsilk allergy bedding is the first all
natural bedding
to be certified asthma & allergy friendly by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and the Asthma Society of Canada!
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