- Property Management Systems
Submitted by: Kevin Chinnock
There is a beautiful saying in relation to the position of the President of America. It is so important and high in the world of men that it is envied even by angels. Now America is in trouble with her unemployment problems. It is mainly because of the economic condition which is a bit far from satisfactory. President Barak Obama is in search of a market to sell our commodity and technology which will ensure to give employment to the American youth. He seeks Indian help from all direction to survive our country s economy and consequently, Indian s honor and prestige has been enhanced to a larger extent in the eyes of the world. It is agreed by the India ruling as well as opposition group. It is time to think that a country can flourish only when she is able to maintain here economic stability. India has purchased IOC-17 Globemaster heavy lift cargo planes for its air force by a pre military agreement which benefit both countries. America seeks jobs by way of selling her commodity/technology and India wants all round development by using technology.
In reference to terrorism it is a matter of grave concern to the world of en. Every man in this civilized world has right to live with peace and security. No one should think or feel oneself insecure and discomfort. A society if it is left without security bears another name for slavery. It is the duty and responsibility of a well being state to protect peace and security for its people.
Being pressed by Indian P.M. Manmohan Singh, President Obama has greatly been moved to protest against Pakistan. It is Pakistan who always gives indulgence to terrorism. In a word, the frontiers of Pakistan has become a factory in which elements of terrorism is being produced without rest or pause. He (Obama) also said that it would in no way be possible to tolerate any unfair activity done by the terrorist. And all camps where training is imparted for terrorism should immediately be destroyed. S naturally Indian diplomatic camp has been much pleased by the role played by our President Obama in his speech in the Indian Parliament on his third and final day in India. And taking advantage of it, the P.M. Manmohan Singh has been able to make a firm space for India in the International map.
President Barrack Obama has indirectly put pressure upon Indian P.M. to continue bi-partite relation between New Delhi and Islamabad. But P.M is a man ver to bow down to any pressure. In this way he has been able to send strong message to the internal politics of his country.
In reply to a question put by a press conference before Obama in relation to Kashmir,
He(President) said that Kashmir was a issue of contention of long ago between India and Pakisthan. In this regard America does not want to impose any formula to solve this problem. So the President Obama advised to continue discussion between the tow countries.
In relation to this the Indian P.M has boldly passed his comments. He (Indian PM) is never afraid of discussing Kashmir issue and other issues of important nature. The Prime Minister Manmohan Singh s is that Pakistan is frequently indulging terrorism in her frontiers on one hand and on the other she desires to continue discussion. So indulgence to terrorism and discussion can not move together. It is the duty and responsibility of Pakistan to stop terrorism first and then India will ahead to solve the matters of long pending issue with delight as told by the Indian PM. In the evening on his third day visit the President Obama delivered his speech in the joint session of the India Parliament. He (The president) told that the frontiers of Pakistan have become a safe kingdom of the terrorist. This thing is never to be tolerated at all.
No man lives well compromising with unjust and unfair. So all manners of terrorism should immediately be put down with an iron hand to make the world free of consternation.
About the Author: Kevin Chinnock is a Tax Consultant in San Dimas, California. He is associated with the
(Tax Accounting for law enforcement ) and
( Residential and income property specialist). 121 E Bonita, San Dimas, CA 91773, Phone: (877)700-9110
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