Author: Admin

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Indian authorities today declared an intent to force web companies to screen content for “offensive” and “blasphemous material”. The move follows failed talks yesterday with Facebook, Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft.

Communications Minister Kapil Sibal says “My aim is that insulting material never gets uploaded”, and that web firms “will have to give us the data, where these images are being uploaded and who is doing it.” The government’s planned new policy is in response to web-based firms informing him they could not prevent such material being uploaded. “They have given it to me in writing that they will not do anything until we get an order from the court,” even though “At a meeting on 4 November, we showed them some of the photos and they too agreed that the photos were offensive,” said Sibal. The disputed material was first discussed three months ago.

Sibal calls the situation “unacceptable” and disputes the firms’ defence of being merely “platforms” for others to add material. He claims they showed their “intention was not to cooperate”. Facebook promised ongoing dialogue in a statement and “[recognise] the government’s interest in minimising the amount of abusive content”. They also promised to “remove any content that violates our terms, which are designed to keep material that is hateful, threatening, incites violence or contains nudity off the service.”

Google say they remove material breaching their policies and to comply with local legislation. “But when content is legal and doesn’t violate our policies, we won’t remove it just because it’s controversial, as we believe that people’s differing views, so long as they’re legal, should be respected and protected,” the company added.

“We have to take care of the sensibilities of our people, we have to protect their sensibilities. Our cultural ethos is very important to us,” Sibal said today. A response from web firms of “we throw up our hands, we can’t do anything about this” would not be tolerated.

Although some reports suggest the spat has been triggered by critiques of powerful politician Sonia Gandhi, Sibal claims the firms have previously hesitated to respond to requests for details of “terrorists”. All the material the government wishes to censor is “absolutely illegal, defamatory, pornographic or other similar kind of material” says Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi. Material in question includes cartoons of Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and material mocking religion including an image depicting pigs in Mecca.

Indian computer security expert Vijay Mukhi rubbished the suggestions. “The idea of prescreening is impossible. How will they do it?… There is no technology currently that determines whether content is ‘defamatory’ or ‘offensive’,” he told Reuters. This sentiment was broadly echoed by large numbers on Twitter; the tag #IdiotKapilSibal was among the nation’s Twitter users’ most-used today. Twitter and Facebook were the organising points earlier this year for an anti-graft campaign that saw thousands protesting and new laws passed.

Internet companies insist too much material flows through the web to make such screening plausible. Sibal says the firms are applying US standards which do not take Indian needs into account.

Research in Motion last year resisted Indian security demands for access to encrypted BlackBerry communications. The government gave up that request but did manage to gain limited access to some BlackBerry communications. Skype and Google were told then that local servers would be mandatory, allowing the government to inspect emails.

About 100 million of India’s 1.2 billion people are online. There are 28 million Indian Facebook profiles. Google says it has received 68 content removal requests from Indian officials this year, and there have also been concerns Google Earth could be used to plan militant attacks.

India’s new moves follow criticism of the United Kingdom earlier this year. The UK proposed social media restrictions following riots while the Foreign Secretary simultaneously criticised other nations using social media controls to limit protest.

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byAlma Abell

For many young women, the burden of an unplanned pregnancy could be disastrous. Whether it is due to pre-existing health problems or because the woman is unable to provide for a baby on her own. Sadly, these are the reasons that many women decide to have an abortion. However, for women who reside in the Chicago area, there are other alternatives to struggling due to an unplanned pregnancy. With the help of the professional staff at the Women’s Center, young women can find alternatives to both pregnancy and abortion in Chicago. This includes getting free family planning information and receiving professional counselling should an unplanned pregnancy occur.


There are many benefits for young women to receive the services of this facility. If they have recently become sexually active and do not wish to become pregnant, there are a variety of different options of birth control available. Free confidential advice is given to help young women choose the best form of pregnancy prevention for their needs.

For women who may think they are unexpectedly pregnant, free pregnancy tests are available. These tests are given in the strictest of confidentiality and none of your private information will ever be shared with anyone. If the test is positive, assistance if offered to determine which option is best for the mother. Each individual has their own needs and they are all given free information on alternatives to abortion in Chicago. The choice of the woman will always be respected and never questioned by any of the professional staff.

Other information is also available at this facility. There are financial assistance resources that the women are made aware of so that they can better make a decision as to how to handle an unexpected pregnancy. Having resources to obtain help can make a very stressful situation much easier to handle. There have been many women who have found the help of this center to be very beneficial to them. Many young mothers have found that knowing which resource are viable makes starting a new life with a new baby even more enjoyable. The professional staff at this facility take pride in helping women get their lives on the right path to happiness.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

John O’Toole is running for the Progressive Conservative in the Ontario provincial election, in the Durham riding. Wikinews interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Students at Benet Academy in Lisle, Illinois, United States raised record amounts of money this year during their Christmas Drive fundraiser.

The annual two-week event is aimed at promoting the Christmas spirit in helping the poor and needy. Coordination of the fundraiser is a joint effort by the faculty and three students organizations—Student Government, National Honor Society (NHS), and Outreach. Donations from previous years have allowed Outreach to provide food and Christmas gifts to dozens of families during the holiday season. NHS in the past has provided blankets, winter gear, and toys to local families as well.

A semi-formal dance held on Dec. 5 kicked off the Christmas Drive this year. Two weeks of in-school fundraising efforts ensued, including several no-uniform days and Benet’s traditional Penny Wars. In that four-day activity, the four grade levels competed against each other to see who can collect the most pennies. Nickels, dimes, and quarters were allowed but had negative value in the class total. The seniors won this contest, allowing them to have a no-uniform day on Dec. 11. Other activities such as bake sales and a beard-growing contest raised money as well.

During an all-school assembly on Friday, the last day of the drive, Student Government President Kyle Marinko announced that preliminary calculations put the amount of donations at US$53,392.82, a record for the school. Last year’s drive collected approximately US$42,000. A final total has not been officially announced, since Student Government officials continue to count additional donations that have been received.

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Submitted by: Adrianna Notton

Particle size reduction is technology choice to reduce the size of a particle in the manufacturing process to improve an active ingredient. There are numerous industries that depend on size reduction to improve performance or to meet specifications. The pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries all depend on particle size reduction. Its uses include grinding polymers to facilitate the separation of grain components, improve the biological availability of medications, and to produce particles of an appropriate size for a given use. There are a number of reasons why particle size and distribution is so important in today processing plants.

Particle size reduction and distribution improves flow-ability of the material. For instance, when comparing granular sugar to powdered sugar, the smaller the particle the poorer the flow. The larger particles in granulated sugar aid in flow but not in dissolution. Feeder clearance is another important aspect because the particle size has to be bigger than the feeder clearance in order to avoid leakage. As well, if die table run-out increases, the feeder clearance and particle size must then also increase comparatively. In addition, broad variations in particle sizes can result in inconsistent fill volumes. Weight control is another reason why particle size reduction and distribution is so important. Larger particles pulled out of the die can decrease the final weight. Fine particles need accurate scrape-off which increases the need for a quality scraper blade.


Particle size reduction and distribution is important because smaller particles are more sensitive to over-compression. The small particles are less able to lock together during the compaction process. Compressibility improves with an increased particle size and decreases as particles become smaller. As well, higher percentages of small particles require increased quantities of lubricant. Small particles decrease disintegration time and increase dissolution. Larger particles normally are able to better lock together causing friability. Small particles normally increase the chance for failure meaning there is higher friability.

Many products are sensitive to heat and changes in room conditions which can cause poor compression, flow, and ejection conditions. Fine particles can cause a dusty operation which results in a need for regular production stoppages and equipment and plant clean-ups. A high percentage of fine particles and dust increases more wear, reduces yield, more cleaning intervals, more particle segregation, and more tablet defects. Small dusty particles can increase operating costs, require more dust collection, reduce yields, and causes more machine and tool wear. Reducing particle size will improve tablet quality.

Particle size reduction is an aspect that is of major importance and the economic impact of particle size can be significant. Fortunately, innovations in particle size reduction technology has lead to extremely efficient methods of particle size reduction and distribution using technologically advanced grinding equipment such as fine grinding. The advanced devices take up minimal space in the plant, reduces particle dust, decreases wear on the machines, increases yields, and improves quality of the final product. The overall result is an improvement in production, productivity, and a more efficient and cost effective manufacturing process.

About the Author: We are the leaders in processing equipment, with products in

Process equipment


Particle size reduction equipment

, and much more.


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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — Local caterers get ready for big business, as almost three thousand fans converge on the David L. Lawrence Convention Center over the Independence Day weekend for the world’s largest ever furry convention, Anthrocon 2007.

Many hope to renew acquaintances, or meet new friends. Others look to buy from dealers and artists, or show off new artwork or costumes. Some attend to make money, or even learn a thing or two. But one thing unites them: They’re all there to have fun.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In an opinion piece published by CNN on Tuesday, Georgetown University law student and women’s rights advocate Sandra Fluke insisted she will not allow slurs from critics to silence her and other women from continuing to speak out on issues regarding women’s health and contraception.

Fluke has faced slurs and personal attacks after speaking before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee in the United States House of Representatives about women’s health and contraception. She was called a “slut” and a “prostitute” by talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh. In response to these attacks, Fluke has received public support from women, members of the media, and politicians including the President of the United States.

Attacking me and women who use contraception by calling us prostitutes and worse cannot silence us.

In her piece for CNN, Fluke took the opportunity to thank her supporters, writing, “By now, many have heard the stories I wanted to share thanks to the congressional leaders and members of the media who have supported me and millions of women in speaking out.” She characterized the “opponents of reproductive health access” who issued personal attacks against her as being motivated by an attempt to change the topic of conversation away from a dialogue about women’s health, and “to silence women’s voices regarding their own health care.”

Fluke wrote that the efforts by some to drown out women from speaking out about women’s health were unsuccessful. She came to this conclusion due to the multitude of positive comments and encouragement sent to her by both female and male individuals urging that contraception medication be considered a medical necessity.

Asserting that she would not remain silent on this issue of women’s health, Fluke wrote, “Attacking me and women who use contraception by calling us prostitutes and worse cannot silence us.”

She noted that a significant majority of women have utilized contraception medication, and commented that there exists a social disconnect between politicians attempting to make it more difficult for women to access this type of health care, and the views of society-at-large about the matter: “Restricting access to such a basic health care service, which 99% of sexually experienced American women have used and 62% of American women are using right now, is out of touch with public sentiment.”

Fluke concluded her piece by emphasizing that those in power should not govern based on ideology: “I am proud to stand with the millions of women and men who recognize that our government should legislate according to the reality of our lives — not for ideology.”

After being banned by Congressman Darrell Issa from speaking before a Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing on February 16 which consisted mainly of male panelists, Fluke appeared before a meeting of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee convened by Minority leader of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi on February 23.

Fluke spoke to the committee about the need for contraception to be covered by health care plans offered by employers, as a matter integral to women’s health. She cited multiple cases where women take contraception medication as part of their health care for treatment of medical conditions unrelated to birth control, including two women who suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome, a woman who is afflicted with endometriosis and another who takes contraception in order to prevent seizures.

Time and time again, women have been silenced in this discussion, a discussion about our own very personal health care decisions.

Speaking before the United States Senate on February 17 along with fellow members Patty Murray, Kirsten Gillibrand, Barbara Boxer, and Charles Schumer, Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire expressed her support for Fluke. Like Fluke, Senator Shaheen pointed out the need not to silence the voices of women in the public government debate about women’s health care: “Time and time again, women have been silenced in this discussion, a discussion about our own very personal health care decisions.” Senator Shaheen concluded her remarks with an explanation as to why she believes women should have significant representation in discussions about their health care: “Women deserve a voice in this debate because, after all, in the end this is about our health and it is about a health care decision that is between women, their families, their doctors, and their own faith.”

President Barack Obama called Fluke on March 2 to express his support for her courage to speak out on issues of women’s health. In his first press conference of 2012 on March 6, he discussed his reasons for deciding to call Fluke.

The President cited his personal thoughts about his own two daughters: “And the reason I called Ms. Fluke is because I thought about Malia and Sasha [Obama’s daughters], and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on. I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way. And I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re being good citizens.”

President Obama went on to state that Fluke served as a positive role model for citizen participation in democracy and society: “And I wanted Sandra to know that I thought her parents should be proud of her, and that we want to send a message to all our young people that being part of a democracy involves argument and disagreements and debate, and we want you to be engaged, and there’s a way to do it that doesn’t involve you being demeaned and insulted, particularly when you’re a private citizen.”

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December, 2013 byadmin

Root canal also known as root canal therapy refers to a procedure that is performed to treat the internal problems of a tooth, usually consisting of the dental pulp. Root canals are done to restore a tooth that might otherwise be removed from the mouth.


Traditional root canal treatment did not involve the use of modern facets as it is today. Treatments involving Root Canal in Knoxville, TN can last between one to three visits to a specialized dentist, usually an endodontist or a root canal specialist. When you visit a highly experienced professional, the ailing pulps as well as the root canals of the tooth and the pulp chamber are cleaned before they are sealed.

Root canals are the inner cavity part of the tooth cavity within the root of the teeth. A healthy and functional tooth has live tissues. The primary component that is contained in the cavity consists of the blood vessels and nerves, which help in transmission of feeling of pain and temperature. The degree of sensitivity of the root canals differs from one person to another.

When you are diagnosed with a decayed or damaged tooth, your endodontist may recommend a root canal where all the affected nerves are removed together with the interior tissues inside the pulp chamber. When most people hear about root canal, what crosses their minds is that dreaded procedure that defines traditional treatment options.

The fortunate thing is that root canals are now performed in a carefully controlled environment. It involves drilling small openings, removing the nerves and inhibiting the flow of blood in the tissues and the pulp. The specialist then cleans the canal, shapes it and sterilized. After all is done, the specialist seals the canal with the most appropriate filling material just in the same way an ordinary cavity would be sealed.

Unlike what some people think, root canal therapy is a treatment that seeks to repair a tooth to avoid further damage. Root canal therapies are the most appropriate alternative for those who have severely damaged internal nerves. Root Canal in Knoxville, TN is what you need in order to prevent abscess or removal of the affected tooth. To know more Click Here.

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Wikinews interviewed Australian painter Pricasso on his unique artwork created using his penis, and how his art relates to freedom of expression and issues of censorship. He is to be featured at the upcoming adult entertainment event Sexpo Australia in Melbourne this November 5 to November 8.

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