Author: Admin

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Methane gas was blamed for the explosion deaths of 8 miners in southern Polish‘s Halemba coal mine Tuesday, November 21. Officials say at least 15 are missing.

Rescue efforts were halted because dangerously high levels of methane gas returned, according to Zbigniew Madej, spokesman for state-owned Coal Co., which operates the mine.

The missing miners’ locater devices were not emitting signals, increasing rescurers’ concerns for their well-being. Grzegorz Pawlaszek, head of Coal Co., said the 15 missing miners’ fate is “not known,” but added that “there is a chance to find someone still alive.”

“This is a tragedy. People have died here,” Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said when he came to Ruda Slaska to see the blast.

Earlier Wednesday, a reconnaissance rescue team descended 3000 feet toward the blast scene, only to retreat because of safety concerns related to high methane gas levels. Rescue digging efforts were also halted because of explosion concerns.

The missing men were aged 21-59. One of the miner’s family members, Andrzej Pytlik, 30, remained on scene with his sister, hoping and waiting for news of her husband, Krystian Gaszka.

Pytlik, also a miner, said through teary eyes that, “I work in the mines and I know that hope is scant because that’s the truth.”

The explosion occurred in a closed portion of the mine where the now-missing miners were working to retrieve abandoned equipment. According to Pawlaszek, the value of the equipment was $23 million, adding that “It was new equipment and that is why we decided to retrieve it.”

He indicated that the recovery work was performed under the supervision of gas detection specialists, and that the bodies of the recovered miners were difficult to identify because of the severity of burns and because their ID tags were blown away in the explosion.

The Halemba mine, located in Ruda Slaska, has produced coal for nearly 50 years, has been fraught with safety concerns and has a track record of serious accidents. One of the oldest mines in Poland, it is centrally located in the industrial Silesia region.

Earlier this year, a miner was trapped underground in the Halemba mine five days after a cave-in. In 1990, 19 miners were killed and 20 hurt in a gas explosion, and five were killed in collapse in 1991.

Inside, priests and mining officials were comforting and counseling with distraught relatives. Outside, eight white candles flickered on a main gate wall.

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Are you suffering from acne scars? Getting rid of acne is very challenging and it’s hard to look for proper treatments. Frequently people wonder if there truly are any acne natural treatment ideas that can aid to relieve acne scars. If you have heard Acne No More written by Mike Walden, you will discover a comprehensive, holistic approach to getting rid of acne. This system will allow you to be free from acne forever. You will learn a natural ways that will teach you everything you need to know so that you can control your skin health without resorting to harsh chemicals or treatments.According to the author Mike Walden the pimples caused by hormonal abnormalities and cause this acne to breakout in the skin. The inflammation caused by acne can typically leave wounds in the skin. And because of this the eBook will show you on how to treat the acne permanently through using holistic treatment which allows the natural elimination of internal organisms that block the body’s systems. Through using the approach in the eBook you will learn how to treat the main cause of the acne.Each step to be taken in the program is covered in great detail, you will learn how to neutralize external elements that cause acne breakouts thus you will have clearer, healthy and glowing skin. Reading the eBook from cover to cover you will learn important details on how you can maintain your skin from acne appearance by following its effective treatment plan.Prevention is still better for you to stop the reoccurring of acne scars.This program contains so much important stuff. Like in-depth study of acne prevention, effective treatment system that doesn’t involve trial and error and lastly natural pimple treatment without using any expensive medicines and unsafe chemical creams.Everyone suffering from acne problems can surely get rid it once you use this powerful treatment for acne scars. No other program can give you this much.If you are really serious to get the flawless skin and prevent it from scarring and kin dryness then you really need this treatment program. Get all the dozens of secrets on how to permanently stop acne and maintain glowing skin.People who have suffered from acne for many years beyond their adolescent life believed that they will never be free of acne. But after trying the holistic treatment they learned from Mike’s e-book, they were pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. They became acne free and they did it without using expensive treatment methods and medications.


Friday, March 3, 2006

A sticker for the Pensacola, Florida folk-punk band This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb was found on a bike near the Ohio University‘s Oasis restaurant by a university police officer.

The university police, who were unaware of the band’s existence, summoned the Columbus police bomb squad, who destroyed the bike to ensure that there was no bomb inside. The university later discovered their error.

The bike’s owner, a graduate student, has been charged with “inducing panic,” a misdemeanor. He has been released and is due to appear in court March 13 on the charge.

The band’s label, Plan-It-X Records, has not yet commented on the incident. The font and style of the sticker are common among such humorous stickers.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

In a continuing crackdown on tax evasion, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has alleged that brokers with a branch of RBC Dominion Securities, Canada’s largest brokerage company, helped clients set up accounts in the small European principality of Liechtenstein in order to avoid taxation on their wealth.

In affadavits submitted by the CRA, brokers with an RBC Dominion Securities office in Victoria, British Columbia, allegedly helped clients set up 16 offshore entities with a division of the LGT Group in Liechtenstein. While that is not a crime under Canadian law, auditors allege that the entities were used to help Canadians hide worldwide income. Thirteen individuals are either being audited or have made voluntary disclosures, admitting to tax evasion. The agency is presently investigating to see if there are any other individuals participating in this scheme. Regarding the inquiry, dubbed “Project Jade”, the CRA will only say that it was launched on information from a “confidential informant”.

RBC issued a written statement, saying “As a firm, we have never encouraged Canadians — not 25 years ago and not today — to set up entities in Liechtenstein, and we have never instructed our investment advisers to recommend that practice,” and “we comply with all CRA requirements. This means that we provide all our clients with the forms they need to meet their personal tax obligations, and also file reports with CRA that form the basis for reviews such as this.”

Three RBC employees are presently being investigated, with one remaining unidentified.

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Asimple cleaning is when there is little or no build up of calculus, but maybe there is some discoloration such as yellowing stains.Coronalpolishing (prophylaxis) takes care of that by buffing the stains away with a rubber cup and a polishing paste. This process leaves your Teeth Feeling completely smooth and incredibly clean. Coronal polishing is also final stage when someone gets their teeth scaled.

Scaling and Root Planning (a deep root cleaning below the gums) is a process where the doctor or dental hygienist carefully Remove heavy calculus. We recommended that you get x-rays every 6 months so we can check to see if there is any build up that is latched to your teeth below the gums. This will help us greatly in efforts to inform patients on possible bone loss.

No matter which cleaning type you require we provide the most comfortable cleaning experience possible. Dr. Rana or our hygienist will go over the best treatment plan perfectly fit for your needs.

At our office we use a state of the art cleaning device called an ultrasonicscaler. Say “good-bye” to the dental tools that scrap, poke, and tug on your gums and teeth! The ultrasonicscaleris an effective way to clean your teeth in half the time by using water vibrations. The water comes from the tip of thescalerthat cools off the generated heat cause by the ultrasonicscalerpowerfrequency which is where you get the powerful cleaning action! Sounds pretty cool, right?

Here are a few GREAT reasons as to why keeping a healthy mouth is more important than you think:

  • Prevent Halitosis (Bad Breath) – No one wants bad breath!
  • Prevent Oral Cancer – Especially if you use tobacco.
  • Prevent Gum Disease or Gingivitis
  • Prevent Heart Attacks or Strokes
  • To have a Perfect Smile!
  • To keep ORIGINAL teeth.

Remember, if you get your routine cleanings everySIXmonths we can stop heavy calculus which causes gum disease. Remember, x-rays are very important too!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hundreds of thousands of British public sector workers went on strike across the country yesterday to protest planned changes to pensions. As industrial action swept the country, half of all schools were hit when teachers walked out, thousands of emergency service responders did not arrive at work, and there were warnings of immigration delays at Heathrow airport.

Police arrested 26 people as protesters picketed on a march in London, and riot police kettled demonstrators as clashes broke out. Reports vary, but it is thought that up to half of British state schools have been affected as employees did not turn up to work.

Mark Serwotka, the leader of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), said the strikes would serve as a “wake-up call” to the coalition government. “It’s a very, very clear signal to the government that they have been rumbled,” Serwotka said. “This is not about pensions, this is about making public sector workers pay for the economic problems, and we are determined to keep going until they change direction.”

Government officials condemned the strike and said the planned changes to pensions, which would see teachers work until age 68 and get less from their pensions, were “fair to taxpayers” as Britain attempts to deal with a large budget deficit. A spokesperson for Downing Street insisted the strike was having a “minimal” impact and said the turnout suggested many public sector workers supported the pension changes.

Christine Blower, the general secretary of one of the striking unions, the National Union of Teachers (NUT), said the strike demonstrated “the anger and distress that this government is causing teachers.” She said the “unjustified attacks” on the pensions of teachers “are nothing short of disgraceful.” Speaking on BBC television programme Question Time, she added: “Much of this has already been imposed on teachers without negotiation, and when we say there are talks going on it’s perfectly true that the government is talking but it isn’t actually listening.”

But despite government claims that the strike was having little impact, 5,679 schools were closed and another 4,999 were affected as teachers did not turn up for work. Michael Gove, the education secretary attacked the walkouts as “disappointing and unnecessary”. Thousands of staff handling emergency 999 calls also striked and pickets were held outside courts as members of the PCS walked out in protest.

This is not about pensions, this is about making public sector workers pay for the economic problems, and we are determined to keep going until they change direction.

Francis Maude, the cabinet office minister, also maintained that the strikes were wrong and said the low number of people walking out showed many supported the government’s plans. “What today has shown is that the vast majority of hard-working public sector employees do not support today’s premature strike and have come into work today,” he said.

Senior Labour party figures including Ed Miliband, Tessa Jowell and John Denham said the strikes were unjustified until negotiations with the government had concluded. Mary Bousted of the NUT criticised Labour’s lack of support for the striking workers: “The response of Ed Miliband has been a disgrace – he should be ashamed of himself. If our strike is a mistake, what has he done to oppose this devastating attack on our pensions? If the opposition will not defend our pensions, we will.”

A largely peaceful march by 30,000 protesters took place through London, and the atmosphere was reported to be largely peaceful, but Metropolitan Police officials said 26 people had been arrested. At a meeting in Westminister, many left wing figures attacked the government plans. Ken Livingstone, a former mayor of London who is running for the job again next year, said the coalition government had “mishandled” the issue of pensions. “The government must end its attacks and negotiate on the core issues under contention,” he added.

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Submitted by: Smith Christ

What is Yasmin Pill and why is it Used?

Yasmin pill is an emergency contraceptive pill utilized for prevention of pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Women worldwide opt for Yasmin pills as it has proved to be very effective birth control contraceptive. Yasmin pills contain Drospirenone – ethinyl estradiol combined which consists of progestin and estrogen. This chemical elements help to prevent the release of egg from the ovary. It also makes the changes in the muscle cervix which prevents the entry of sperm in the uterus which in result makes it difficult for egg to implant.

Yasmin pill is considered to be the most effective contraceptive pill used by women after unprotected intercourse. The pills should be consumed in 24-72 hours of the coitus. It is regarded as safe and finest birth control pill.

Is Yasmin Contraceptive Pill safe?

Yasmin are effective the most if consumed correctly as per the instructions. Take one pill at same time every day. Yasmin pills surely guarantee pregnancy prevention as it works in triple ways. Initially it thickens the mucus wall which prevents the entry of the sperms. If this process does not work then it obstructs the ovulation process. If these two mechanism fail then still Yasmin contraceptive avoids the egg implantation, thus stopping the pregnancy completely anyhow.. Yasmin contraceptive pills have resulted in 99% of pregnancies successfully.


Do I have to use other Contraceptive with Yasmin birth control?

While consuming Yasmin birth control pills you need not to worry about using other contraceptive for prevention of pregnancy. But you can use condoms as Yasmin does not protect you from STDs. A Yasmin pill does the work of avoiding pregnancy abruptly if taken correctly.

Can I Consume Yasmin Emergency Contraception during Breastfeeding?

Women should realize it is not recommended for women to consume Yasmin pills while breastfeeding. You should consult your health care provider for proper oral contraceptive during pregnancy.

Dosage of Yasmin ECP

Yasmin contraceptives contain 28 pills in the pack. Out of which twenty one yellow pills are active and seven white pills are inert. Consult your health care provider about the right time for consuming the pills. Your health care provider most probably will suggest you to consume it on Day one or day five of your menstrual cycle. It can also be consumed on the Sunday of the first day of menstrual week. The pills are to be consumed at the same time every day as suggested by your health care provider.

What are the Effects of Yasmin Morning after Pill?

There might be light bleeding or spotting and pain I the stomach for initial three months. Women are recommended not to discontinue the pill even if these effects persist. These are mild effects which eventually stop after some days.

What if I miss taking Yasmin Contraceptive Pills in my Dosage?

If you are experiencing diarrhea or vomiting or under any medication like antibiotics the impact of Yasmin birth control may reduce. Always consult your health care provider before consuming these pills as combined consumption of these pills with other medications will neutralize its impact of preventing pregnancy.

In case if women misses one pill then she has to consume it as soon she remembers. Take the other pill as per scheduled, sometimes in this case a women may have to consume two pills in a day.

In case the women misses two pills one after another in initial first two weeks then consume the pill as u recollect and take two pills the next day and later continue consuming one pill each every day till the pills are over.

In case if youre health care provider has suggested you to consume the Yasmin pills on Sunday of the first day of menstrual cycle week and if a woman misses two, three or more than three pills one after another in third week of this cycle, then it is recommended that women discards the old pills pack and from next Sunday start with new pack.

About the Author: Christopher Smith is a well known health administrator and accommodating researcher with sensational adjusting on health topics like women’s health, abortion pills online cost, menopause, buy Yasmin after pill online and so forth. He has worked with numerous restorative officers and pharmacies such as

and helped key substance on the dosage and guidelines of restorative products like abortion pills, Yasmin emergency contraception pills, and so on.


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Monday, March 20, 2006

Fears of contaminated bone and skin grafts are being felt by unsuspecting patients following the revelation that funeral homes may have been looting corpses.

Janet Evans of Marion Ohio was told by her surgeon, “The bone grafts you got might have been contaminated”. She reacted with shock, “I was flabbergasted because I didn’t even know what he was talking about. I didn’t know I got a bone graft until I got this call. I just thought they put in screws and rods.”

The body of Alistair Cooke, the former host of “Masterpiece Theatre,” was supposedly looted along with more than 1,000 others, according to two law enforcement officials close to the case. The tissue taken was typically skin, bone and tendon, which was then sold for use in procedures such as dental implants and hip replacements. According to authorities, millions of dollars were made by selling the body parts to companies for use in operations done at hospitals and clinics in the United States and Canada.

A New Jersey company, Biomedical Tissue Services, has reportedly been taking body parts from funeral homes across Brooklyn, New York. According to ABC News, they set up rooms like a “surgical suite.” After they took the bones, they replaced them with PVC pipe. This was purportedly done by stealth, without approval of the deceased person or the next of kin. 1,077 bodies were involved, say prosecuters.

Investagators say a former dentist, Michael Mastromarino, is behind the operation. Biomedical was considered one of the “hottest procurement companies in the country,” raking in close to $5 million. Eventually, people became worried: “Can the donors be trusted?” A tissue processing company called LifeCell answered no, and issued a recall on all their tissue.

Cooke’s daughter, Susan Cooke Kittredge, said, “To know his bones were sold was one thing, but to see him standing truncated before me is another entirely.” Now thousands of people around the country are receiving letters warning that they should be tested for infectious diseases like HIV or hepatitis. On February 23, the Brooklyn District Attorney indicted Mastromarino and three others. They are charged with 122 felony counts, including forgery and bodysnatching.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

On Sunday, British singer Adele won five Grammy Awards at the 59th Grammy Awards event in Los Angeles. David Bowie posthumously won five Grammys.

Adele won Song of the Year, Best Pop Solo and Record of the Year for her song Hello, and Album of the Year for her album 25, becoming the first singer to win the Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Album of the Year twice.

David Bowie was nominated in five categories — three for his album Blackstar in Best Alternative Music Album, Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical, and Best Rock Performance; and two for his song Blackstar, Best Rock Song and Best Rock Performance. Days after releasing his 25th album, Blackstar, Bowie passed away in January 2016, due to cancer. Before Blackstar, Bowie won a Grammy for his music video Jazzin’ for Blue Jean, and Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006, never winning the award in a major category before.

In the event, singer Bruno Mars paid tribute to music icon Prince, replicating style, costumes, and guitar of Prince’s. Minneapolis-based funk band The Time, who had performed with Prince, paid tribute to the singer who passed away in April at the age of 57. Adele, in her performance, paid tribute to George Michael. While performing, Adele stopped, swore, and restarted. She later apologised, saying “I am sorry for swearing and I am sorry for starting again, I can’t mess this up for him[…] I am sorry, I can’t.” British pop singer George Michael died on Christmas Day of heart failure at the age of 53.

Adele was in tears while receiving Grammy for the Album of the Year. In her acceptance speech, she said, “But I can’t possibly accept this award. And I’m very humbled and I’m very grateful and gracious. But my artist of my life is Beyoncé. And this album to me, the ‘Lemonade’ album, is just so monumental. Beyoncé, it’s so monumental. And so well thought out, and so beautiful and soul-baring and we all got to see another side to you that you don’t always let us see. And we appreciate that. And all us artists here, we fucking adore you. You are our light. And the way that you make me and my friends feel, the way you make my black friends feel, is empowering. And you make them stand up for themselves. And I love you.” Other albums in the pool, besides 25 and Lemonade, were Justin Bieber’s Purpose, Drake’s Views, and A Sailor’s Guide To Earth by Sturgill Simpson.

Earlier, while receiving award for the Record of the Year, Adele said, “My dream and my idol is Queen Bee [Beyoncé], and I adore you and you move my soul every single day and you have done for nearly seventeen years”. Other songs nominated in the category were Beyoncé’s Formation, Work by Rihanna, 7 Years by Lukas Graham, and Stressed Out by TWENTY ØNE PILØTS.

Beyoncé received the largest number of nominations for the event — nine — but she won only two. Her album Lemonade won Best Urban Contemporary Album and her song Formation won Best Music Video.

Chance The Rapper won Best New Artist, and claimed Best Rap Performance for No Problem and Best Rap Album for Coloring Book. Chance’s songs were never sold, and were available for free on streaming services.

The new host James Corden took a pratfall on the stairs while entering. The duo TWENTY ØNE PILØTS won Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for their song Stressed Out. Upon announcement, they removed their pants to accept the award. Sharing an incident of watching Grammys before the duo was famous, Tyler Joseph said Josh Dun proposed if they were to receive a Grammy, they would receive it in their underpants as they were in underpants watching the award ceremony at the time. In his acceptance speech, he said, “I want everyone who’s watching at home to know that you could be next. So watch out, because anyone from anywhere can do anything.”

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