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byAlma Abell

Your AC Company in Lubbock is here to help, but it is up to you to decipher the signs of when you need to hire the professionals. A broken cooling system is the last thing anyone wants, especially on a day with high temperatures. An informed AC owner can prevent this sort of discomfort simply by recognizing their need for an air conditioning expert.

Installation is Difficult

While it is very commendable to attempt an AC installation yourself, it is highly recommended that you hire an AC Company in Lubbock instead to assist you for a multitude of reasons. Not only will the professionals be able to finish the process in a timelier fashion saving you your own precious time, but they will also make sure to do it properly. A poor installation job may result in future issues that require more effort and, unfortunately, more money.

Increase in Billing

A need for repair may fly under the radar if it seems your air conditioning is still in working order. However, a higher monthly bill is a strong indicator that your AC is no longer functioning as efficiently as it once was. An AC Company in Lubbock will try their best to discover the problem, fix it, and lower your bill while simultaneously improving the results of your air conditioner for a cooler home.

Stay Up to Date

An unexpected sign that you need to hire an air conditioner repair person is simply time itself. If an extended period has passed without a checkup, it may be time to schedule one. This process allows you to catch any underlying problems that could cause much larger issues down the line. Maintenance is just a small price to pay when trying to prevent costly damage or even complete breakdown that involves the purchase of a brand new system.

Do not sweat when your air conditioner is in need of repair. Your AC Company in Lubbock has the services you need to prevent sweltering on a hot day when you need cooling off the most. Visit for contact information about a repair service near you.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This past Sunday, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law a bill known as “Rocky’s Law” that requires Illinois high schools, through the local school district, to buy catastrophic injury insurance up to US$3 million or medical costs for up to five years, whichever one comes first, that covers student athletes. The insurance must cover student athletes while they are competing.

The legislation was named after Rasul “Rocky” Clark. In 2000, the Eisenhower High School football player became paralyzed from the waist down as a result of a tackle during a game. His school based health insurance covered the costs of his medical treatment. A legislator sponsoring the bill noted that the need for this type of insurance is rare. Clark’s mother attended the legislation signing. Her son died last year.

Before parents can claim money from school insurance, they first must pay out US$50,000. Schools have until January 1, 2014 to comply with the law. Schools cannot charge students more than US$5 to defray the cost of insurance. If a school district already requires student to be covered through private health insurance, they are exempted from this law.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Construction workers and next of kin of deceased workers filed a lawsuit in Tokyo, Japan Friday seeking damages of approximately 6.6 billion yen (about US$64 million) from the government and manufacturers related to illnesses stemming from exposure to asbestos. 178 plaintiffs; including construction workers and family members filed the suit in Tokyo District Court against 46 building manufacturers and the Government of Japan.

According to the Mainichi Daily News, the class action suit is the first that has been filed in Japan related to health damages caused by asbestos exposure at construction sites. The plaintiffs hail from the Japanese prefectures of Tokyo, Saitama and Chiba.

The plaintiffs claim that the government and manufacturers knew of the dangers of asbestos inhalation but failed to take proper precautions, including ceasing to promote asbestos as a cheap fire retardant and banning production of the material.

They state that after inhaling asbestos in the workplace, 172 people have developed lung cancer or mesothelioma, and that almost half of those afflicted are now dead. Plaintiffs argue that the government and health ministry did not act quickly enough after international organizations issued warnings in 1972 that asbestos could be a carcinogen.

Plaintiffs also place blame with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for sanctioning the use of asbestos under Japanese Industrial Standards, and with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport for approving the use of materials comprised of asbestos and other substances under Japan’s Building Standards Law.

We will do our utmost until we win the suit.

“We will do our utmost until we win the suit,” said Kazuo Miyajima, 78, who heads the group of plaintiffs. Lawyers for the plaintiffs released a statement saying: “We seek complete relief for the victims by clarifying the liability of the state and the manufacturers.”

Approximately 40 construction workers from Kanagawa Prefecture plan to file a similar lawsuit in June in Yokohama District Court.

After a 2005 revelation that residents who lived near a factory in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture developed diseases related to asbestos, the government implemented a law in 2006 which provides monetary assistance to asbestos victims and relatives of deceased family members. The plaintiffs argue that the amount of financial assistance given to families and victims of asbestos-related diseases is not sufficient.

Asbestos has been used in Japan as a fire retardant, for sound absorption, and for insulation. It was mixed in concrete and water and sprayed on walls and ceilings, but the practice of spraying asbestos in this manner was banned in Japan in 1975.

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By Howard Schwartz

The day care industry is expanding. There are now more than 100,000 licensed child-care centers and 250,000 licensed family day care homes across the United States.

The market for day care increases every year as the working mother in society increasingly return to work to contribute financially to the ongoing household expenses. Day care centers have now proven to be a lucrative niche for owner operators, especially those who have purchased franchises. The day care industry is expanding. There are now more than 100,000 licensed child-care centers and 250,000 licensed family day care homes across the United States.


An overall increase in professionalism has helped to enhance the reputation of the child care and day care field. Only 20-30 years ago, child care was a cottage industry operating out of remodeled houses, granny flats or small business shop fronts. Early centers were essentially baby-sitting facilities. Today’s day care centers, frequently part of regional or national chains, are larger and more professionally run. Because parents want their children to get educational services, many centers require that their caregivers have early childhood education degrees. The day care industry is regulated by state law, and sometimes also by county or city, and the regulations vary widely by state.

The day-care center industry has changed a lot over the past 15 years, and industry professionals are predicting that it will change even more by the year 2010. Family-run day care centers seem to be holding their own because they are especially popular for infants and younger toddlers whose parents are looking for the family style influence. However, the smaller commercial centers are disappearing, due to difficulties in meeting increased government regulation, and buyouts by regional or national chains. The regional and national daycare chains will no doubt continue to grow.

Learn more about the daycare industry:

About the Author: Howard Schwartz is a partner in several business strategy groups, including HJ Ventures International, Inc. Howard has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide with a focus on writing business plans for companies interested in raising capital from Venture Funds and Angel Investors.Howard’s business plans have secured several million dollars in funding.


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This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Alfred Hsing, a US martial artist with Chinese origins, besides having a long history of martial arts training in various styles, such as traditional kung fu, tae kwon do and karate, considers wushu – an athletic sport based on Chinese martial arts – as a form of art that pushes one’s physical limits and stimulates the mind at the same time. After having won the gold medal at the 10th World Wushu Championships, he became international movie star Jet Li’s personal assistant and went on to do stunts, action choreography, and land roles in movies.

Hungarian Wikinews contributor Teemeah has interviewed Alfred Hsing about his views on martial arts, life and Wikipedia.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

A political candidate for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) has been injured in a plane crash. Nigel Farage, the former leader of the party, was in a two-seater plane when it crashed at an airfield in Northamptonshire. The plane crashed just one hour after voting had opened on polling day.

Farage, 46, was taken to a Banbury hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The pilot of the plane is believed to have suffered more severe injuries and was transferred to a different hospital.

The plane had landed at the airfield in Hinton-in-the-Hedges and was beginning to take off again when the accident happened. The plane was being flown with a UKIP banner and was due to fly over Buckinghamshire, the constituency where Farage is standing.

A UKIP spokesman said about that incident that “We’ve had unconfirmed reports that either the banner got snagged up, or there were cross-winds and it was unfamiliar airfield to the pilot.” He added that after a discussion with an aviation expert that the banner could not be a factor in the accident.

Chris Adams, a fellow UKIP candidate for the constituency of Aylesbury, released a statement on the condition of Farage. He said “Nigel was unconscious but he can talk. He’s been coming in and out of consciousness and is now being X-rayed.”

The fire and ambulance services have remained at the scene of the crash and an investigation has been opened.

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By Ryan Paulin

Becoming a Disney channel actor is a dream of very many people. There are many celebrities that are associated with Disney channel such as Lindsay Lohan and Christina Aguilera. Disney is a company that has got a good reputation and almost everyone in the world would like to be associated with it. The good news is that Disney channel audition series have provided an opportunity to make your dream become a reality. You can become an actor with the Disney channel. This will not only increase your popularity, but will also provide an opportunity to show your talent.

The first thing that you should do when you are preparing for the auditions is to improve your acting skills. You can do this by either enrolling in acting courses or singing classes. Even the popular celebrities that are associated with Disney Company didn’t succeed overnight. You have to work extra hard in order to succeed during the auditions. In case, you have got a talent in dancing it is recommended that you should enrol in dancing classes before going for the auditions. This will help to horn the skill that are looked fro during the auditions. You should know that those who succeed in the auditions are the ones who have got excellent acting abilities.


It is important that you should submit both the resume and the headshots for the auditions for Disney channel. You can work with an agent to know about the oncoming auditions. The good thing about agents is that they have got the connections that will help you to be updated about the audition. You should not have a second thought of finding another agent especially when you find that your current one is not providing you with regular updates concerning auditions. The headshots as well as the resume are very important during the auditions. You should have quality headshot. You can obtain quality headshots by hiring a competent photographer. The main disadvantage of the competent photographer is that they will charge you more for the picture. In case, you do not have adequate cash, you can decide your pictures to be taken by a photographer who is undergoing training. Such a photographer will provide quality pictures at a lower cost.

In order to increase your chances of succeeding in the Disney channel audition series, you should ensure you have got a quality resume. You can improve the quality of your resume by providing all your acting experience and acting courses that you have undertaken. You should know that the resume shows a lot about you. You should not make a mistake of cheating on the resume so that you can succeed in the auditions. Cheating in the resume can easily be detected and you can be disqualified from the auditions. You should take advantage of all the acting opportunities available so that you can perfect your skills. The key into succeeding during the auditions is being determined and showing the best. Confidence is another important aspect that is looked at during the auditions.

About the Author: Looking for tips and information regarding

disney channel auditions

? You can join our site to search thousands of opportunities and tips on

Disney channel series audition


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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In raids that were part of Operation Mokpo, police seized a massive weapons haul from a suburban house.

Officers from Britain’s Metropolitan Police arrested a 55-year-old man after two houses and a business were raided in Dartford, South East of London.

The firearms include hundreds of shotguns, semiautomatic guns and automatic weapons.

Operation Trident officers and Polsa (Police Search Advisor) search teams carried out three search operations early morning though majority of weapon was found in a three bed room house.

“This is the biggest firearms haul we have ever had,” Det. Chief Superintendent Kevin Davis said. “Guns are mounted on every available wall space in the property and live ammunition was found lying on the floor.”

A simultaneous operation is underway in New Jersey, USA.

This was the biggest success for Operation Mokpo, launched 18 months ago after a series of shooting by rival gangs in North London.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

A study by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs presented to a Congressional panel on November 17, has confirmed that Gulf War Syndrome is a legitimate illness contracted by soldiers who took pyridostigmine bromide pills in order to counter the effects of nerve gas during the First Gulf War in Iraq. Several other factors likely contributed to Gulf War Syndrome, including excessive exposure to pesticides, mainly Permethrin and DEET, and chemical weapons residue caused by the American demolition of the Iraqi munitions depot in Khamisiyah.

The report estimates that about 1 out of every 4 veterans of the Gulf War are affected by this illness; this could mean anywhere between 175,000 and 210,000 soldiers are affected by the syndrome. The report also concluded that veterans exposed to the toxins spread by the destruction of the munitions depot have died of brain cancer at double the rate of other Gulf War veterans. Other problems associated with the condition are: fatigue, headaches, joint pain, rashes, breathing difficulty, forgetfulness, circulation problems, and cardiac troubles.

Gulf War Syndrome has been the focal point of veterans rights groups since the illness first became noticed in the early 1990s. The United States and British governments claimed that the illness was merely psychological trauma from war misinterpreted as an illness, and veterans could not receive medical coverage for the illness.

“I feel vindicated, but I’m angry. This is so long overdue,” said Denise Nichols, an advocate for veterans’ rights and a nurse who served during Operation Desert Storm. The National Gulf Veterans and Families Association (NGVFA) said that many veterans committed suicide after learning that the government did not recognize their illness as real.

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Parapsychic Science Schools


Michael Bustamante

If you are interested in the spiritual world, and would like to study the sciences beyond physical laws of the universe, you might be interested in parapsychic science schools. The classes taught at schools for parapsychic science can include a wide variety of fascinating subjects, including clairvoyance, psychokinesis, hypnosis, extra sensory perception (ESP), telepathy, and many others.


Those who are involved with parapsychic science schools believe that there is a scientific domain that defies explanation by the known laws of physics or biology. Classes can cover a diverse range of topics, such as angels, astrology, spiritual development, ethical and legal issues in holistic care, regression therapy, sound therapy, chakra therapy, spiritual healing, divination, theology, near death experiences, astral projection, psychic healing, channeling, and vibrational healing, just to name a few. You may even be able to take a business management course in parapsychic schools to help you prepare for a career in parapsychology.While some parapsychic science training concentrates strictly on metaphysical, paranormal and parapsychic studies, there are also traditional colleges and universities offering degrees in subjects such as psychology or anthropology with a concentration in parapsychology. You will find various certificates, diplomas and degrees offered by parapsychic science schools, such as the Parapsychology Certificate, Diploma of Parapsychology, Bachelor degree in Holistic Studies, Bachelor of Science in Parapsychological Studies, and others.Schools for parapsychic science are in the business of preparing graduates to enter one or more of the various parapsychic occupations, such as spiritual counselor, astrologer, or holistic healer. If you are interested in the parapsychic sciences and looking for instruction in the various fields of the paranormal, you may decide that parapsychic studies should be in your future. Submit a request for information to Parapsychic Science Schools found on our website, and you could soon be entering a new and exciting profession! DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on our website.Copyright 2007 – All rights reserved by Media Positive Communications, Inc.Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.


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