Author: Admin

Taking care of a dog is a huge responsibility since there are many different things you will need to do. One of these things is giving your dog a bath on a regular basis. Here are a few tips so you will have less trouble.First of all you should know it is best for you to start giving your pets a bath while they are still young. This will get it acclimated to the whole bathing process. That way, you will have less trouble when it gets older.There is no set rule when it comes to how often you should give your dog a bath. It will mainly depend on their activity level. If they spend a great deal of time outside getting dirty and getting into stuff that makes them smell bad they would obviously need more frequent baths. Conversely, dogs that spend most of their time indoors can go a bit longer without hitting the showers. In general you should give you dog a bath every two or three months or so. Before you start giving your dog a bath, you need to get all of the supplies together. This includes shampoo, a brush, towel, and anything else you may need. You do not want to be looking around for a towel while a wet dog runs around the bathroom. It is also best for you to brush your dog’s hair before you put him in the bathtub. This will help get rid of any mats and tangles. They are very difficult to remove when wet.Do not use your shampoo when cleaning your dog. Shampoos designed for humans and dogs have different pH levels. Human shampoo will dry the dog’s coat out and possibly cause it to become irritated. Avoid this problem by using a shampoo made specifically for dogs.After using shampoo on your dog it is very important for you to rinse him off thoroughly. If you do not there may be residue left on his skin. This will cause him to lick and scratch at the area. This could lead to irritation and possibly an infection.After your dog comes out of the tub you will need to thoroughly dry him off. You can use a towel for this or opt to use a blow dryer. If you go with the latter option then avoid using too much heat. Depending on the breed the dog may get overheated very quickly which can be life-threatening.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Citing a lack of results from the primary autopsy by the Los Angeles (LA) Coroner’s Office of Michael Jackson’s body, the Jackson family has requested that an independent coroner examine the body in hopes of finding the cause of death.

The LA Coroner’s have ruled out foul play, but the toxicological tests could take as long as 6 weeks, and as of now have not specified the reason for Jackson’s death. The Coroner’s officer has stated though the decision for an independent autopsy was surprising, they didn’t have any issues with allowing it.

Dr. Murray has been co-operating with authorities from the outset and will continue to do so.

The Jackson family has been unable to contact Michael Jackson’s personal physician, Conrad Murray, who was with the star during his final hours. Police have stated that Dr. Murray is not a suspect, but they are attempting to set up an interview.

Reverend Jesse Jackson, an American civil rights activist and Baptist minister, has been in contact with the family and has been providing counseling. He stated “they [the Jacksons] didn’t know the doctor…He should have met with the family, given them comfort on the last hours of their son.” An associate of Ed Chernoff, Dr. Murray’s lawyer, stated that “contrary to what has been out there, Dr. Murray has been co-operating with authorities from the outset and will continue to do so.”

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Friday, June 9, 2006

Australian Prime Minister John Howard announced Australia’s unemployment rate for May 2006 on Thursday. The rate had dropped to 4.9 percent, the first time since 1976 that unemployment in Australia had been below five percent.

Mr Howard said 56,000 full time jobs were created in May with 38,000 of those taken up by women. He said it was a symbol of how well his government was managing the economy. “The result is a wonderful symbol of the success of the Government’s economic policies.” said Mr Howard.

According to the government 1.8 million jobs have been created since it took office in March 1996.

The number of people actively seeking work also increased, a sign Mr Howard said that people are “confident of finding work.”

At an interview in Sydney, Mr Howard told reporters that he believed the unemployment rate would be driven down further when the benefits of his Workchoices industrial relations reforms begin to show. “I believe, as some of the effects of the workplace relations changes work their way through, then the unemployment rate, particularly in small business, will go down even further,” he said.

Mr Howard denied that Workchoices had any affect on the figures for May saying that it was too early to tell. “I am not going to make that claim. It’s only May’s figures and the changes only came in March. I think it is too early to make that claim” Mr Howard told reporters.

Following the announcement, Liberal MP Wilson Tuckey said that the rise in the number of jobs could not have happened without the government’s industrial relations reforms. “We wouldn’t have achieved these outcomes, particularly in employer hiring, without the changes we’ve made,”

“When employers have confidence in their hiring arrangements as the Workchoices gives them, they’re going to go out and hire more people” said Mr Tuckey.

Stephen Smith, workplace spokesperson for the opposition attacked Mr Tuckey’s claims, stating that all the government’s new industrial relations legislation has achieved is reduced wages. “The suggestion that somehow we’ve got these employment and unemployment figures as a result of 30 days of John Howard slashing wages is a complete nonsense,” he said.

“It’s great that we’ve got a 30-year low in unemployment but that’s a result of 15 years of continuous economic growth and a resources boom.” said Mr Smith.

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By Walter Ballenberger

Mayo Clinic researchers have made great strides in recent years regarding sinusitis treatment and have come up with a new therapy for chronic sufferers called topical antifungal therapy. This particular sinusitis treatment is still new and is not widely practiced. This author, a sinusitis sufferer of long standing with two painful operations under his belt, has been in contact with one of the Mayo Clinic research physicians. I was pointed to several papers and articles describing the research completed thus far, the theory behind the research, and the resulting therapy.

In simple and general terms, the Mayo Clinic research showed that some people (i.e., chronic sinusitis sufferers), have a harmful immune reaction to fungi that others do not experience. The research demonstrated that fungi are present in the air and show up in the nasal mucus of just about everyone. In the noses of chronic sinus sufferers, it showed that certain types of white blood cells will attack the fungi that are present. In doing so these cells create a compound that damages nasal membranes. Once damaged, bacteria can easily enter and cause pain, inflammation and infection. Conventional sinusitis treatment often includes antibiotics to attack the bacteria. This new sinusitis treatment aims to attack the fungi instead, thus avoiding the nasal membrane damage in the first place. One drawback is that it is not easy to determine if a patient is someone whose white blood cells attack fungi in the nose or not. It is also not known why this white blood cell reaction occurs in some people and not in others.


Antifungals such as Amphotericin B and Itraconazole are used in this sinusitis treatment regimen. These have already been approved by the FDA for other uses, and they can be mixed by a compounding pharmacy such as Anazao to make the topical solution needed for this new therapy. Amphotericin B, for example, was only available in my local pharmacy as an injection medication. The pharmacist was not aware that it is sometimes reformulated as a topical spray for sinusitis treatment. Patients spray the antifungal into their nostrils daily. About 75% of the chronic sinus sufferers in one of the Mayo Clinic studies saw significant improvement in their conditions following this regimen.

I also contacted Accentia, the biopharmaceutical company who has obtained a license from the Mayo Foundation to produce and market medications based on the Mayo Clinic research. They informed me that they plan to market a product based on Amphotericin B, which will have the brand name SinuNase. They will start clinical trials soon, and I submitted my name as a possible participant. Apparently I would be a good candidate since Ive had sinus surgeries that didnt cure my problems.

Topical antifungal therapy is a new form of sinusitis treatment. It takes time for a new approach to become accepted in the medical community at large. I asked the Mayo research physician if he knew of a colleague in the Denver area, where I reside, who was utilizing this approach. He responded that he didnt know anyone there, but gave me two names of physicians in Texas, which I also asked about. So it is obvious that this approach to sinusitis treatment is not yet mainstream therapy, but it does have momentum. For people who have received sinusitis treatment which has not improved their suffering, more details regarding this and other sinus related subjects can be found at the web site in the resource box for this article.

About the Author: Walt Ballenberger is founder of

a resource web site for sinusitis sufferers like himself. For a free report entitled Sinus Treatment Success Stories, visit

and click on the Free Report link.


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By Mary Westbrook

Baby showers are always great occasions to attend, and everyone loves celebrating the birth of a new baby boy. It’s also customary for every guest invited to a baby shower to bring a gift for the new baby or his parents, and it can be pretty tricky to find the best possible gift to give. There’s always the nagging question whether or not your gift would be appreciated, and there’s also the worry of walking into the baby shower carrying the same gift as another guest.

It’s easy to come up with a totally original gift for the little guy. Instead of looking for a single gift item, look for several and prepare a nice gift basket. Gift baskets contain several closely-related gift items bundled into a nice basket, which can be decorated with ribbons, gift wrappings, banners, etc. There are countless possible designs for a gift basket – all you have to do is decide what you want yours to look like.

Of course, baby boy gift baskets should look different from baskets for baby girls. It would be downright wrong to theme a basket for a baby boy with a pink color, and it’s a sure way to sour the mood at any baby shower. Here are a few helpful tips to help you prepare a suitable gift basket that the parents – and all the other guests – would love you for.

Tip #1 – Try to use a masculine or neutral color. Blue is the most popular color for baby shower gifts for baby boys, but green, brown, white, and purple are acceptable colors too. Avoid pink and yellow, since they’re mostly ‘girl’ colors. Keep colors in mind whenever you shop for items like towels, sleepwear, bibs, and bottles – in other words, items that the little guy will be using for a long time after receiving them.


Tip #2 – Try using alternative containers for the gift items. While wicker baskets are the most common and acceptable kinds of containers (owing to their usefulness after the party), you can also try hampers, baby bathtubs, and wagons. Wagons make great toys when the little guy gets bigger, and you can even design your gift basket as a welcome wagon. If you’re walking into the baby shower with a very young companion, you can let him/her pull the wagon into the party – it should make an interesting entrance!

Tip #3 – Don’t use too much decoration on the gift basket. Using too many ribbons, gift wrapping, and other ornamentation may make the basket look a tad bit feminine, so keep it to a minimum. Baby boy gift baskets are much better presented with banners, flags, and slogans than with ribbons and buntings. Take the opportunity to decorate the gift basket with a message for the little guy – for instance, if you’re planning to prepare a basket filled with star-shaped cookies, you could include the sign: ‘A Star Is Born!’

Tip #4 – Stuffed toys are actually fine. Some might argue that stuffed animals are for baby girls only, but they make for good cribside company for the little guy. Certain animals, such as ‘jungle’ animals like lions, giraffes, and hippos, are very suitable for a baby boy’s crib. But it might be a good idea to fill the gift basket with stuffed sports items, such as small basketballs and footballs, instead. To make it more fun, give your gift basket a theme that matches the parents’ sports preferences.

Tip #5 – When giving ‘baby’ items like shampoos, talcum powder, and baby lotion, try to be a little extra thoughtful and fill your basket with ‘travel-sized’ bottles. This would be a gesture to the new parents to go out and take the little guy out every now and then. Any parent would appreciate the idea that they don’t have to be cooped up in the house.

Tip #6 – If you want to make things a little extra special for the new mom and dad too, don’t be shy about throwing in a bottle of wine or some good apple cider (if the mother is nursing). Taking care of a new baby boy is hard work, and the new parents would appreciate a little something to enjoy at the end of the day.

Remember, though, that many baby showers take place a little before the baby boy is born. In such baby showers, it’s also a good idea to include some gift items for the mother in your gift basket. Naturally the mother is going to be sitting still for most of the time, she’ll appreciate a good book or two. If you can find books that will help make the waiting a little more bearable, then you’ll definitely be doing her a favor.

Most baby showers have themes to them, so an invitation should clue you in on what the party’s going to be like. You can make things a little more fun by preparing your gift basket in the same theme as the baby shower, too.

Preparing a gift basket for a new baby boy can be fun, and it’s pretty easy to come up with a pretty one. But if you think you don’t have that creative streak in you, you can go ahead and buy a baby boy gift basket off the shelf. Many gift basket shops have some pre-made baskets specifically made for a new baby boy or his expectant parents. For a little extra cash, these gift basket shops can even prepare, customize, and personalize the gift basket to make it more memorable.

It’s also a shame when you realize the baby shower is scheduled on a date and time when you’re unavailable. Besides missing a great party, the parents of the little guy will definitely miss you. But that’s okay – you can still have a nice basket prepared by a basket shop, and then ask them to deliver it to the new parents’ doorstep. It would be best if they can deliver the basket during the baby shower itself – it’ll be a very welcome surprise.

About the Author: For more information on

baby boy gift baskets

, visit today.


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Sunday, May 15, 2011

This sordid episode—no matter how it ultimately plays out—will spell the end of Strauss-Kahn as an effective leader of the IMF even if he retains his position, which is highly unlikely.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, remained in jail last night after being charged with sexually attacking a chambermaid at a New York City hotel. Strauss-Kahn has agreed to undergo forensic screening before he appears in court, and has vowed to “vigorously” defend himself against the charges, which are likely to create a leadership void at the IMF, disrupt emergency talks over the European debt crisis, and spell the end of his political career.

Strauss-Khan was the favourite candidate for the French presidency, and was expected to announce he would stand against Nicolas Sarkozy this month. But the allegations are expected to destroy the hopes of his supporters, increase infighting among the French left, and leave his political career in tatters. His arrest comes at a critical moment for the IMF, and will likely plunge efforts to stabilise the financial states of struggling eurozone countries into chaos. He was meant to discuss the bailouts of Greece and Portugal with European Union financial officials at a meeting in Brussels this week.

Eswar Shanker Prasad, a professor of international economics at Cornell University, said: “This sordid episode – no matter how it ultimately plays out – will spell the end of Strauss-Kahn as an effective leader of the IMF even if he retains his position, which is highly unlikely.” The IMF, however, insisted it remained “fully functioning and operational.”

Strauss-Kahn was to appear in court in Manhattan yesterday charged with three crimes, including attempted rape, but the hearing has been delayed so he can undergo forensic tests. He was taken into custody by officials while on an Air France passenger plane which was about to take off from John F. Kennedy International Airport for Paris; when detectives approached him in the first class cabin in the aircraft he reportedly asked: “What is this about?” Strauss-Kahn reportedly fled the hotel “in a hurry” after the attack, leaving a number of personal effects behind. “If our officers had been ten minutes later he would have been in the air and on their [sic] way to France,” a spokesperson for the New York Police Department said.

The chambermaid reported that she had been sexually assaulted by a man staying in a “luxury suite” at the Sofitel hotel near Times Square. “The maid described being forcibly attacked, locked in the room and sexually assaulted,” the police spokesperson said. Strauss-Kahn came out of the shower naked while the chambermaid was working in the room, tried to pull the woman onto the bed and locked the door, The New York Times reported, quoting police sources. She allegedly fought him off, but he sexually assaulted her again after dragging her to the bathroom, before he locked her in the room; she was reportedly hospitalized afterwards with trauma.

In 2008, a year after becoming the leader of the IMF, Strauss-Kahn was reprimanded by the organization’s board after being involved in an extramarital affair with another senior executive at the bank. More recently, he was pictured driving a luxury car in Paris, causing a media furore over whether his lifestyle fitted with the socialist attitude he claims to represent. But his wife, former television star Anne Sinclair, has dismissed the accusations. She said: “I do not believe for one second the accusations brought against my husband. I have no doubt his innocence will be established.”

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Answers about Manufactured Stone made with Concrete Molds





Most molds are made with high-impact, polystyrene or industrial ABS plastic, or other plastic blends depending on the application and texture retention desired. They are usually about a .060 thickness. We prefer and use Industrial ABS plastic for its strength, flexibility and durability. If cared for per simple instructions, molds can last for hundreds of pours, depending on the style and size of the mold. Should they start to crack in the corners, they can be repaired to prolong their life. In many cases, like with real stone, cracks and other minor imperfections will actually enhance the appearance of the stone, and are very desirable. WHAT KIND OF FACILITY IS NEEDED TO MAKE A CEMENT STONE? You really need very little space, and since there is no waste or environmental impact, you can make stone or tile for your own use in a basement, garage, barn, backyard shed, or even outside under normal weather conditions. A wheelbarrow, a shovel, some molds and instructions are the basics. For a commercial operation, you can get by with as little as 600 square feet (a two-car garage), but we normally recommend about 1000+ square feet if at all possible for an efficient production facility. That size plant will handle normal business growth and production increases for the first year or so. About 1500 square feet is ideal for a commercial sized plant, and will handle typical growth for the first five years. WHY ARE THE STONE, PAVER, AND TILE MOLDS SO INEXPENSIVE? Many mold companies have started on a shoestring and are usually small operations with limited products to offer. There are a number of mold companies that fit this model. Most do not have the benefit of over thirty years experience in mold-making and over eighteen years pioneering the consumer segment of the business. When materials are purchased in large quantities and you have had long, ongoing relationships with suppliers you get the benefits of what is referred to as economies of scale, (See below). As an example, we are a self-funded company— meaning we owe no one anything. We own our buildings, equipment and land, and are a family-run company. We keep our profit margins conservative, and grow and expand only as we can afford to. Thus— we are able to be extremely competitive in our pricing, while offering hundreds of diverse mold products at very competitive prices. WHAT DOES ECONOMIES OF SCALE MEAN? The increase in efficiency of production as the number of goods being produced increases. Typically, a company that achieves economies of scale lowers the average cost per unit through increased production since fixed costs are shared over an increased number of goods. HOW WILL CONCRETE STONE HOLD UP OUTSIDE IN HARSH CLIMATES? Most concrete stone will hold up fine outside in almost any weather as long as it was made and designed for that purpose. Concrete needs microscopic air pockets so the moisture can expand and contract without affecting the solid concrete parts. Our proprietary mix formula, as do other exterior concrete stone includes air-entrainment agents to help prevent the product from breaking down under freeze-thaw conditions like those found in northern climates. Formulas can be adjusted for extreme conditions and special applications as well by adding extra air-entrainment agent. You want to be at around 5% air content. HOW MANY DIFFERENT STYLES AND SIZES CAN BE MADE WITH MOLDS? Concrete stone can be made in sizes from 2×4 inches up to 24×24 inches, and larger. They can be made in virtually any color or combination of colors imaginable, and there are many different techniques that can be used to finish them. There are currently over 200 different styles shapes and sizes of molds for stone, pavers, brick and tile, and new stone styles are being added constantly. Mold makers also have the ability to make custom mold styles for producers, should they have a special request for a specific style or size of stone. WHAT IS THE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF FINISHED CONCRETE STONE PRODUCTS? The expected useful life is one hundred years plus. Stone products have been used for thousands of years, with many of the mortared stone roads of ancient Rome still being used daily. We recommend that our commercial Producers offer a minimum twenty-year warranty on their products as long as they are produced to our normal specifications. When is the last time you saw a concrete sidewalk worn out? IS A KILN NEEDED TO MAKE FAUX CONCRETE STONE OR VENEER? No kiln or other high-energy heat source is needed, and the stone does not get fired in any way. Manufactured stone and veneer is cured via a simple technique that extends the hydration period for as long as possible. This is accomplished by covering the stone with plastic to hold the moisture in. Complete technical instructions for curing are free and are also available on our manufacturing training website. There is no need for any special power source to make stone. A standard vibrator table runs on 115 volts, and you can run your mixer, if used, on 115 volts as well. We suggest that you run your mixer on 220 if it has that capability to save on electric and to provide increased motor torque. If you make your faux stone by hand, you don’t need to care about either of the foregoing anyway. HOW MUCH DOES MANUFACTURED STONE WEIGH PER SQUARE FOOT? With man-made or faux stone, the weight can be about one-third lighter than real stone, and can be anywhere between four pounds per square foot when poured as a thin veneer, to about a third or less of that for the same size when lightweight aggregate is used in the cement mix. You can use many different stone formulas, depending on where the stone will be used. We normally use a lightweight aggregate to lessen the weight when the stone is being used for a vertical application like walls. Since the lightweight aggregate makes the stone weaker, it cannot be used for a horizontal, or traffic surface though. When it is to be used for a walking or driving surface, we use our standard 4,000-6,000+ psi mix with gravel aggregate added for more strength. WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR CEMENT STONE MADE WITH MOLDS? With more and more do-it-yourselfers making their own custom-colored stone products to save money and to get the colors they want; mold makers will continue to add new molds and make them available for everyone. We constantly add new designs and sizes to our mold line, as do most other mold makers. And by offering these directly to the do-it-yourselfer, it allows them to have new styles of stone for fireplaces, floors, walls, patios and any number of other projects- in the colors they want. The difference in the value added to a home, versus actual cost of the stone used can be staggering! By making the stone themselves for about fifty cents per square foot, they can easily save up to ninety-percent off of normal retail pricing! And the stone products they make will still be there for their great-grandchildren to enjoy and admire. It can be their legacy.

John McKenzie Panagos founded Olde World Stone and Tile Molds in 1992. As a pioneer, he is an authority in the DIY stone and tile mold products segment of the concrete industry. He’s written numerous training manuals and articles for the manufactured stone industry. CLICK HERE for more information, photos, and DIY instructions or EMAIL ME.

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Friday, January 13, 2006

The Turkish government has come under fire from officials in Dogubayazit, where three siblings died from the H5N1 strain of Bird Flu, for not sending enough resources and not responding quickly enough in the region.

The mayor of Dogubayazit, Mukkades Kubilay, claims that the Turkish government sent only three doctors and that there were not enough workers to destroy poultry.

The government has been accused of doing too little, too late. H5N1 was discovered in Turkish poultry in December, 2005.

Agriculture Minister Mehdi Eker dismissed the claim, saying that culling of infected poultry began immediately following the discovery of H5N1 on December 15, 2005.

Questions about whether the government acted aggressively enough early in the outbreak emerged as officials tried to contain the disease, which Eker said had been confirmed in 11 of Turkey’s 81 provinces and was suspected in 14 others.

The number of confirmed human cases of H5N1 in Turkey is 18. Three of those have died from the virus.

Several others with the virus have shown few symptoms or are in a stable condition. Authorities suggest that the strain may not be as deadly as first thought. Of those who contracted the virus in Asia, half died.

An eight-year-old child who became infected after playing with dying chickens has been released from hospital.

Nationwide, 355,000 birds have been slaughtered in an attempt to slow the outbreak.

The Agricultural ministry is complaining that it has only 24 workers in Dogubayazit, a city of 56,000, and culling could take up to a month to complete.

Experts are still warning of a possible pandemic, prompting the world bank to release US$500 million in aid to assist countries combat H5N1.

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Panama Investment Opportunities


Roberto Bell

Introduction – Clients of our law firm frequently ask us what are the good opportunities for investment in Panama. This web page is probably a long time coming and here it is. Investments are rated by the number of stars *****, five is the best and one is the worst.

Real Estate Flipping * -This is buying a not yet completed condo or townhouse and selling it before it is completed. This gives you a gain (well you hope anyway) and the ROI (return on investment) is great since you only put up to 30% down. Many people we know are trying to sell their flip positions without success. Several large prominent real estate projects have failed to move forward to completion thus the speculators just tied up their capital for no gain and wasted their time and money. The clichs concerning panama real estate flipping would be as follows: If it was that good everyone would be doing it and If it is too good to be true it probably isn?t true.

Construction Raw Materials **** – Now you are talking about a good investment. There is still a tremendous amount of construction taking place in Panama and this is likely to continue for some years to come. All real estate construction materials are in short supply and prices are high. You can start with cement, go to marble, tile, etc and the preceding is all true. This is how one can make some serious money. Capital is required and one would import the raw materials required by the construction industry. We are a Panama Law Firm and we can assist clients strictly as your legal counsel, who wish to engage in such a business enterprise.

Construction Heavy Equipment **** – There is a shortage of all heavy construction equipment used in constructing high-rise residential buildings. It is all in short supply. You could import new or used equipment. You can rent it out by the day, week or month. You can also contract with developers over longer periods as well. The construction of the Panama Canal expansion has not even started yet and this should serve to increase the shortages.

Dump Trucks ***** – There is a serious shortage here. Some projects are severely backed up since they lack the trucks to haul away the dirt from the job site. These can be rented short or long term or supplied to developers on a long-term basis. You could supply, drivers, do the maintenance, have replacement trucks etc and make a fortune. You need not import new equipment; used equipment in serviceable condition would work fine. The developers are more interested in quick completion times than they are interested in extra truck expense costs.


Cement Mixer Trucks **** – Again another shortage, see above.

Expensive Horses *** – Panama has lot of them, many different breeds and at prices much below the North American market prices. This is simple for one in the business. Better yet set up a breeder facility in Panama taking advantage of low land cost and cheap labor and export the horses to the North American market at a tidy profit.

Customer Service Residential Businesses **** – Think of something all the foreigners moving into condos in Panama will want that is not already here and watch your cash register ring. The completed condos are about to occupy and more are completing monthly. This is an amazing market of high disposable income people, mostly without children in their home that are over 40. This one requires excellent marketing skills and is not for the me too businessperson. If you try competing against the locals in their business you will probably lose. You need to bring something new to the table and need to make sure it is not easily copied. Imagine the potential, all you need is the product that the people will want that no one else has in Panama. Of course our law firm can provide all the legal assistance you need.

Hard Money Lender*** – Want to loan money against houses, townhouses and condos this is the market. Imagine 30% to 40% down (60% to 70% LTV), 5 to 15 year mortgages at 3 points over bank rates which are currently in the mid sixes so you would be in the 9% + range. Strictly equity loans in first position giving you serious protection. Rates are currently not so exciting but servicing costs are low in Panama and you would run out of money before you ran out of mortgages.

Panama Web Hosting **** – There is a serious shortage of reliable web hosting companies, no shortage of bandwidth. Run in your lines to a secure facility. Have 24-hour camera surveillance of the site. Use swipe cards for all staff coming and going. Have 24-hour serious security. Promote it as such and you will have no shortage of customers.

Restaurants* – Forget this they come and go all the time. High failure rate, lots of competition.

Hotels *** – Shortage of real five star hotels. There are no real five stars using North American standards. What they call a five star here is at best a four star elsewhere. Good four-star hotels would also fare quite well since they are in short supply as well.

Alternative Health Care ***** – Big shortage, great demand. Come on down. Look into licensure first since that gets tricky.

Maids ***** – Panama currently has a serious shortage of maids. Think of a solution to this and clean up.

Please feel free to contact our law firm for any matter in which you require legal representation in Panama.

Smythe Bradley is an expat living in The Republic of Panama. He has published many articles on

offshore banking

in panama,

panama visas and residency

, as well as many other

expat issues


Article Source:

Panama Investment Opportunities}

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A result is expected today on the possibility of an election re-run in Nigeria. Opposition parties claim that current President Umaru Yar’Adua’s People’s Democratic Party (PDP) fixed the results of the 2007 election in his favour and are calling to have the result annulled. So far, the tribunal has rejected one out of the two petitions calling for the annulment.

International suspicions were also raised at the time, with some voicing concern over the election.

A Nigerian judge is currently delivering the ruling on the case of granting the opposition parties a re-run, neither of which claim to have won the previous election. The decision could have negative impacts – if another election is called, it could be seen as an admittance of a ‘false democracy’ occurring in the last election and therefore undermining the political process in Nigeria. However, if no re-run of the election is called, it could cause instability between political rivals and may spark protests.

Emma Esau, of the Alliance for Credible elections, told the BBC: “We have faith the judges will give us a good ruling, and in any case we don’t believe there will be violence after the decision is announced. This will not take Nigeria to the brink.”

Yar’Adua assumed office on 29th May 2007 after the election in April, where he won 70% of the vote. Since then, he has became the first Nigerian leader to declare his personal assets, as well as overturning hikes in petroleum and tax made by the previous government. Despite these positive steps, he has also been surrounded by controversy, with several governors who served him before 2007 being charged by the EFCC, the anti-corruption commission.

Election annulments have already been passed for seven of thirty-six state governors and even the senate president, David Mark.

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